National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance
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时间:2022-04-20   访问量:1078

弓形虫病(toxoplasmosis)是由刚地弓形虫(Toxoplasma gondii)感染引起的一种人兽共患寄生虫病,在世界各地都有分布,宿主种类十分广泛,人间和动物的感染率都比较高,对人类健康和公共卫生构成了威胁。目前,弓形虫病没有理想的药物用于治疗,早期诊断是防控该病的重要手段之一。病原学诊断是最早建立的弓形虫诊断方法,操作简单,结果可靠,但耗时较长,无法满足快速、高效、批量检测的需求,因此在实验室诊断方面应用逐步减少。免疫学检测方法以ELISA和IHA方法为主,已有较为成熟的商品化试剂盒或诊断试剂,在大规模的检测和流行病学调查中起到了很大作用。分子生物学方法与传统的病原学检测方法相比,其速度、通量、特异性、敏感性各方面都有提升,相较于免疫学诊断,避免了获得性免疫带来的假阳性结果,是未来弓形虫病实验室诊断的主要发展趋势。本文从病原学、分子生物学和免疫学方面对弓形虫的实验室诊断技术进行论述,以期为弓形虫的实验室诊断和防控措施的制定提供参考。

Advances in Laboratory Diagnostic Techniques for Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by infection with Toxoplasma gondii,and widely distributed all over the world,with wide range of host species and high infection rates in human and animals,posing a threat to human health and public health. Considering that no ideal drug has been available for the disease,early diagnosis is one of the important means to prevent and control the disease. Etiological diagnosis is the initial method for Toxoplasma gondii,and is simple with reliable results but time-consuming,which failed to meet the needs of rapid,efficient and batch detection,and became decreasing in its application in laboratory diagnosis. Immunological detection methods mainly include ELISA and IHA,and relatively mature commercial kits or diagnostic reagents are available,which have played a great role in large-scale detection and epidemiological investigation. Compared with traditional pathogenic detection methods,molecular biological methods have been improved in speed,throughput,specificity and sensitivity,and avoided false positive results caused by acquired immunity as compared with immunological diagnosis,which represent the main development trend of laboratory diagnosis for toxoplasmosis in the future. In the paper,the laboratory diagnosis technology for Toxoplasma gondii were discussed from the aspects of etiology,molecular biology and immunology,with a view to providing a reference for the laboratory diagnosis for Toxoplasma gondii and development of measures fighting against toxoplasmosis.


National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance

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