National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance
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时间:2022-04-20   访问量:1037

禽多杀性巴氏杆菌可引起禽出血性败血症,又称为禽巴氏杆菌病、禽霍乱,发病快,死亡率高。为对禽多杀性巴氏杆菌的致病机制研究及临床防治提供支持,通过PCR鉴定、耐药性分析、生物被膜形成能力试验以及半数致死量(LD50)测定,对4株临床分离的鸡源多杀性巴氏杆菌(Pm01、Pm03、1801及1803)进行了相关生物学特性分析。PCR鉴定结果显示,4株多杀性巴氏杆菌均为荚膜血清A型,均含有pfhA、exBDtonB、nanB、oma87、ompH、hgbB、hgbA、sodC、sodA 9种毒力基因,不含有toxA、nanH、ptfA 3种毒力基因;耐药性分析结果显示,4株多杀性巴氏杆菌对克林霉素、红霉素、四环素、卡那霉素、阿莫西林、头孢噻吩和氨苄西林等7种抗生素表现出全部或部分耐药;生物被膜形成能力试验结果显示,Pm01菌株能形成极强的生物被膜,而Pm03、1801以及1803菌株几乎不能形成生物被膜;LD50测定结果显示,4菌株LD50分别为1.33×101、2.74×102、4.22和4.22 CFU。结果表明,4株鸡源多杀性巴氏杆菌含有多种毒力基因,均具有较强的致病性,其毒力与生物被膜形成能力不完全相关,且对多种抗生素耐药。本研究为禽巴氏杆菌病防治提供了技术支撑与参考数据。

Analysis on the Biological Characteristics of Four Strains of Pasteurella multocida Derived from Chicken

Avian hemorrhagic septicemia,also known as avian pasteurellosis or avian cholera,is caused by Pasteurella multocida,with rapid occurrence and high mortality. In order to support future researches on the pathogenic mechanism of the bacteria as well as prevention and control of the disease in practice,relevant biological characteristics of four strains of Pasteurella multocida(Pm01,Pm03,1801 and 1803)were analyzed through PCR identification,drug resistance analysis,biofilm formation ability test and median lethal dose(LD50)determination. It was showed that,by PCR identification,all the four strains were capsular serotype A and contained 9 virulence genes including pfhA,exBDtonB,nanB,oma87,ompH,hgbB,hgbA,sodC and sodA,except toxA,nanH and ptfA;by drug resistance analysis,the four strains were fully or partially resistant to 7 antibiotics including clindamycin,erythromycin,tetracycline,kanamycin,amoxicillin,cefotaxime and ampicillin;by biofilm formation ability test,a very strong biofilm was formed by Pm01 strain,but failed by Pm03,1801 and 1803;and by the LD50 determination test,the LD50 values of the four strains were 1.33×101,2.74×102,4.22 and 4.22 CFU,respectively. In conclusion,all the four strains contained a variety of virulence genes that were with strong pathogenicity,for which the virulence was not completely related to the biofilm formation ability,and resistant to a variety of antibiotics. A technical support and reference data were provided for future prevention and control of avian pasteurellosis.


National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance

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