为评估传染性造血器官坏死病病毒(infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus,IHNV)随国际贸易传入我国的风险,按照世界动物卫生组织(WOAH)动物卫生风险评估框架,从危害识别、风险评估及风险管理3个方面开展风险分析。结果显示:IHNV随活易感鱼类(包括亲鱼、鱼卵和鱼苗)和鲜活饵料鱼类(野杂鱼)传入的风险为“高”;随非易感鱼类及运输活鱼的水、包装、运输工具和用具等传入的风险为“很低”;随食用易感鱼类(包括活的、冷冻的、冰鲜的以及鱼肉)和易感鱼加工产品传入的风险为“可忽略”。根据以上风险评估结果提出相应风险管理措施:不从疫区进口高风险产品,低风险产品可以自由贸易,对来自疫区的非易感鱼类和运输活鱼的水、包装、运输工具和用具实施消毒。
Analysis on the Entry Risk of Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis
In order to evaluate the entry risk of infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus(IHNV)into China with international trade,hazard identification,risk assessment and risk management concerning the disease were analyzed according to WOAH entry risk assessment framework. The results showed that the entry risk of IHNV accompanying with live susceptible fish(including parent fish,fish eggs and fries)and live fish for baits(wild miscellaneous fish)was“high”;that with non-susceptible fish as well as water,packaging,means of transport and appliances for transporting live fish was“very low”;and that with susceptible fish for human consumption(including live,frozen or chilled fish and fish meat)and processed products of susceptible fish was “negligible”. Based on the results of above risk assessment,corresponding risk management measures were put forward,such as,except the products at low risk,those at high risk should not be imported from IHNV infected zones,all non-susceptible fish from infected zones as well as the water,packaging,means of transport and utensils for transporting live fish should be disinfected.
国家兽药产业技术创新联盟 National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance |
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