为评价重组流感病毒(H5+H7)二价灭活疫苗(H5N1 Re-8株+H7N9 H7-Re1株)对鹌鹑和鸽子的安全性及免疫效果,2017年12月—2018年6月,采用哈尔滨维科生物技术开发公司生产的重组流感病毒(H5+H7)二价灭活疫苗,对鹌鹑和肉鸽,在25日龄首免,46日龄二免(鹌鹑和肉鸽的剂量分别为0.3 mL和1 mL),观察禽群临床表现,定期采集血清测定抗体效价。结果显示:鹌鹑首免后21 d,H5和H7亚型HI抗体效价均达到高峰,分别为(7.7±1.3)log2和(8.5±1.3)log2,抗体合格率大于70%的持续期约为35 d;二免后7 d,H5和H7亚型抗体效价均达到高峰,效价分别为(9.7±0.9)log2和(10.3±0.9)log2,H5和H7亚型抗体合格率大于70%的持续期分别约为147 d和175 d。鸽子首免后21 d,H5和H7抗体效价也均到达高峰,分别为(9.8±0.8)log2和(10.4±1.1)log2,两种亚型抗体合格率大于70%的持续期均超过181 d;加强免疫后7 d,H5和H7抗体效价也均达到高峰,效价分别为(10.2±1.0)log2和(10.7±0.9)log2,189 d后效价分别为(5.4±1.3)log2和(6.1±1.5)log2,合格率分别为96.7%和100%。临床观察,未发现该疫苗有严重免疫不良反应。结果表明,(H5+H7)二价灭活疫苗对鹌鹑和鸽子安全有效。生产中推荐:鹌鹑25日龄首免,46日龄和6月龄各加强免疫1次,剂量为0.3 mL;鸽子25日龄首免,以后每隔6个月加强免1次,剂量为1 mL。
Immunogenicity Study onBivalent Inactivated Vaccines of H5N1 and H7N9
Subtype Influenza in Quailsand Pigeons
In order to evaluate the safety and immuneeffects of the bivalent inactivated vaccine(H5N1 Re-8 + H7N9 H7-Re1 strain)of recombinant influenza virus(H5+H7)in quails and pigeons,the bivalent inactivated vaccines produced by HarbinWeike Biotechnology Development Company were immunized in quails and youngpigeons from December 2017 to June 2018. The dose for a quail/pigeon was 0.3/1mL in first immunization at 25 days of age and enhanced immunization at 46 daysof age respectively. The clinical manifestations of poultry flocks wereobserved and the titers of antibodies were determined by collecting serumsregularly. The results showed that the titers of anti-HI antibodies of H5 and H7subtypes reached peak values 21 days after first immunization in quails with(7.7±1.3)log2 and(8.5±1.3)log2 respectively. The duration of antibody eligibility exceeding 70%was about 35 days. The titers of anti-HI antibodies of H5 and H7 subtypesreached peak values 7 days after enhanced immunization with(9.7±0.9)log2 and(10.3±0.9)log2,respectively. The effect duration ofantibodies against H5 and H7 subtypes exceeding 70% were about 147 and 175 daysrespectively. The titers of H5 and H7 antibodies reached their peaks 21 daysafter first immunization in young pigeons with(9.8±0.8)log2 and(10.4±1.1)log2 respectively. The period when thequalification rates of the two subtypes of antibodies exceeded 70% was morethan 181 days. The titers of H5 and H7 antibodies reached their peaks 7 daysafter enhanced immunization with(10.2±1.0)log2 and(10.7±0.9)log2,respectively. After 189 days,the titers were(5.4±1.3)log2 and(6.1±1.5)log2 respectively,and the qualification rates were 96.7% and 100% respectively. Noserious side effects were found in clinical observation. The results showedthat(H5+H7)bivalent inactivated vaccine was safe and effectivefor quails and pigeons. Therefore,it was recommended that quails should be immunized at25 days of age,and they should receive enhanced immunes at46 days and 180 days at the dose of 0.3 mL. The pigeons should receive fistinoculation at 25 days of age,and enhanced immunizations every 6 months with the dose of 1 mL.
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