National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance
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时间:2020-10-14   访问量:1072



Development Status of Early Warning and Surveillance Technologies for Cow Diseases

 In order to identify the development and application of early warning and surveillance technologies for cow diseases in the world,relevant requirements for the technologies were summarized,and the development status of 8 different technologies and their limitations in cow breeding industry were analyzed. Specifically,for the technology of routing inspection and early warning by veterinarian,it was relatively mature,but failed to meet the need for rapid and efficient early warning in large-scale farms;for the technology of somatic cell count(SCC)of milk samples,by which,recessive mastitis could be initially diagnosed,but additional bacterial culture and testing would still be needed;for the dairy herd improvement(DHI)technology,it mainly focused on the monitoring of production performance,and only could be applied to early warning of cow mastitis and ketosis;for the pedometer and collar early warning technology for estrous and ruminant,it was only appropriate for monitoring of estrous and ruminant of the cows;for big data mining technology,the occurrence and development of infectious diseases could be predicted by various models or algorithms based on the database,but its efficiency was limited;for intelligent continuous remote temperature monitoring and early warning technology,major infectious diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease could be warned,but it could not fully replace clinical diagnosis and failed to monitor pathogenic microorganisms;for the cow behavior analysis technology based on AI and population thermal imaging,the behavior and temperature characteristics of cows could be monitored and recorded,sick cows could be targeted,but the technology was invalid for the cows without any abnormal behaviors at the early stage of the disease;and for bio-aerosol laser spectrometric measurement technology,the purpose of early warning could be achieved through the testing of species and concentration of pathogenic microorganism,which was mainly used to monitor major diseases in human by military at present. In conclusion,the early warning technologies for cow diseases should be further combined with each other in the future,learn from each other and make full use of big data,internet of things and other emerging technologies,which would contribute to early warning and diagnosis of major cow diseases. Some references were provided for the localization development of early warning and surveillance technologies.



National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance

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