National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance
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时间:2020-11-06   访问量:1070

卤虫是虾类育苗的关键性生物饵料,其是否具有传播虾类病原的风险已引起多方关注。本文梳理了卤虫作为生物饵料传播虾类病原的研究进展,并提出了防控建议。卤虫是白斑综合征病毒(white spot syndrome virus,WSSV)的机械携带者,也可能是对虾传染性肌坏死病毒(infectious myonecrosis virus,IMNV)、肝胰腺细小病毒(hepatopancreatic parvovirus,HPV)、罗氏沼虾野田村病毒(Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus,MrNV)和极小病毒(extra small virus,XSV)的传播载体,但是目前的研究由于缺少原位杂交或组织细胞水平的病理学证据,均尚未证实卤虫可被这些病毒直接感染;研究已证明卤虫可被副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)、坎贝氏弧菌(V. campbellii)和哈维氏弧菌(V. harveyi)等水产养殖致病菌感染,存在传播急性肝胰腺坏死病(acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease,AHPND)的风险。此外卤虫可能被虾肝肠胞虫(Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei,EHP)污染而存在传播风险。因此,建议系统开展卤虫的病原学和流行病学研究,通过规范卤虫卵生产管理和孵化操作、探索卤虫生物安保产业发展途径和替代产品等措施,降低卤虫传播相关病原的风险。本文可为正确使用卤虫等生物饵料提供技术支持,为水产养殖绿色发展和生物安保体系建设提供参考。


Research Progress on the Risk of Artemia Acting as a Kind of Live Feed to Spread Shrimp Pathogens

Artemia is a kind of critical live feed for shrimp breeding,whether it could bring the risk of spreading pathogens has been concerned by the society. In this paper,the research progress on Artemia acting as a kind of live feed to spread pathogens was summarized,and relevant suggestions were put forward. Artemia served as the physical carrier for white spot syndrome virus(WSSV),as the vector carrying infectious myonecrosis virus(IMNV),hepatopancreatic parvovirus(HPV),Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus(MrNV),and extra small virus(XSV). However,current studies have not proved that Artemia can be infected with the above-mentioned viruses,due to luck of evidences of in situ hybridization or other cyto-or histopathology. It was demonstrated that Artemia can be infected with aquaculture pathogenic bacteria,such as vibrio parahaemolyticus,V. campbellii and V. harveyi,resulting in a risk of spreading acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease(AHPND). Additionally,enterocytozoon hepatopenaei(EHP)may be transimitted through Artemia by contamination. Therefore,it was suggested to systematically carry out the study on the etiology and epidemiology of artemia,and reduce the risk of spreading pathogens through standardizing production management or hatching control of artemia cytes,identifying the biosecurity pathways of artemia and developing alternative products. Technical support could be provided to correctly use artemia and other live feed and some references were provided for construction of a biosecurity system and for healthy development of aquaculture.


National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance

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