National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance
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时间:2020-12-03   访问量:1061

为了解塞内卡病毒分离株SVA/CH/ZZ/2016全基因组序列,设计4对相互重叠的特异性引物扩增基因片段,将扩增产物分别克隆至pCE2TA/Blunt-Zero载体并进行测序,拼接校正后获得SVA/CH/ZZ/2016株全基因组。结果显示,该毒株基因组全长7 292 bp,包括5'UTR(670 bp)、ORF(6 546 bp)以及3'UTR(76 bp)。选择国内外其他9株参考毒株序列,对编码区12个基因的核苷酸及编码氨基酸进行比对。结果显示,核苷酸同源性最高的是3B基因,最低的是VP1基因,其余基因的核苷酸序列同源性均在85.2%~100%之间。VP1基因遗传进化分析显示,SVA/CH/ZZ/2016株与美国分离株USAIL_Purdue_43_2016和USAIN_Purdue_3698_2016株亲缘关系最近,属同一进化分支,与原始毒株SVV-001株亲缘关系最远。对SVA/CH/ZZ/2016株和原始毒株SVV-001 VP1蛋白的氨基酸序列进行比对,发现共有10处氨基酸差异。本研究通过对SVA/CH/ZZ/2016株全基因组测序及分析,为进一步开展SVA分子生物学研究及流行病学调查提供了基础数据。

Sequencing and Analysis on Whole Genome of Senecavirus CH/ZZ/2016 Strain 

In order to identify the whole genome sequence of senecavirus SVA/CH/ZZ/2016 strain,four pairs of overlapping specific primers were designed to amplify gene fragments. The amplified products were cloned into pCE2TA/Blunt-Zero vector for sequencing. The whole genome of SVA/CH/ZZ/2016 strain was obtained after splicing and correction. The results showed that the total genome length of the strain was 7 292 bp,including 5'UTR(670 bp),ORF(6 546 bp)and 3'UTR(76 bp). Other 9 reference strains both at home and abroad were selected and compared with the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of 12 genes in coding region. It was found that the nucleotide homology was highest in 3B gene,minimum in VP1 gene,and remained 85.2% to 100% in other genes. By phylogenetic analysis,it was shown that SVA/CH/ZZ/2016 strain had the closest genetic relationship with American isolates USAIL_Purdue_43_2016 and USAIN_Purdue_3698_2016,shared the same evolutionary branch,and was with largest evolutionary distance with the original strain SVV-001,a total of 10 amino acid differences were found. Therefore,the basic data was provided for further study on SVA molecular biology and epidemiological investigation.


National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance

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