猪非典型瘟病毒(atypical porcine pestivirus,APPV)是2015年新发现的瘟病毒属病毒,国际病毒分类学委员会2017 年将其确定为瘟病毒属K(Pestivirus K)的代表毒株。该病毒可导致仔猪先天性震颤(congenital tremor,CT),典型症状为仔猪轻微震颤,头部和四肢明显。目前APPV已在全球广泛流行,我国也有相关报道,关于该病毒研究的报道越来越多,但研究进展的报道相对较少,目前已证实其与CT紧密相关。APPV不容易被分离,缺少最重要的病毒攻毒试验结果,疫苗研究也需要在前期基础研究深入的基础上才有可能获得成功。为此,本文从病原学、流行病学、诊断技术及疫苗研发等方面,对取得的最新研究进展进行概述,以期增强人们对APPV的认识,为我国防控与研究APPV提供参考。
Advances in the Researches on Atypical Porcine Pestivirus
Atypical porcine pestivirus(APPV)is a new pestivirus virus firstly detected in 2015,which is determined as the representative strain of pestivirus K by the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses in 2017. Because of the virus,congenital tremor(CT)might occur in piglets with such typical symptoms as slight tremor especially in head and limbs. APPV has been widely prevalent all over the world and also reported in China,but there are few reports related to the advances in relevant researches on the virus although with more reports about the researches. At present,it has been confirmed to be closely related to CT. It is difficult to isolate the virus due to the lack of most important results about virus attack test,and the development on vaccines could be achieved only based on the results of preliminary researches. Therefore,the latest relevant advances were summarized from the aspects of etiology,epidemiology,diagnostic technology and vaccine development,with a view to improving public's awareness for the virus and providing a reference for relevant prevention,control and researches in China.
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