National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance
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时间:2022-06-27   访问量:1062

禽网状内皮组织增生症病毒(reticuloendotheliosis virus,REV)是一种常见的禽肿瘤性病毒,可诱发感染鸡群免疫抑制,给我国养禽业带来巨大经济损失。本试验运用DF-1细胞接种方法,在山东省某父母代白羽肉种鸡场鸡群中分离到1株REV,将其命名为SD2101株。为掌握SD2101株基因组遗传演化特征,设计合成6对引物,通过PCR扩增获得了SD2101株的前病毒全基因组序列,并与GenBank下载的参考毒株进行了序列比对和遗传进化分析。结果显示:SD2101株前病毒全基因组具有典型复制完整型逆转录病毒的基因组结构,与2011年分离自江苏省的鸡源REV野毒株HA1101同源性最高;遗传进化分析发现,SD2101株与大部分国内分离株处于同一进化支上。为了解SD2101株的致病性,将分离毒株接种于1日龄SPF鸡,通过体质量、免疫器官指数和灭活疫苗免疫应答等指标进行评价。结果显示,SD2101株对1日龄SPF鸡的生长和免疫功能具有明显的抑制作用。综上,与参考毒株相比,SD2101株基因组序列变异程度较小,具有一定致病作用,提示在生产中应加强对REV的关注和监测。本研究为REV的流行病学研究提供了信息资料。

Isolation and Identification of Avian Reticuloendotheliosis Virus SD2101 Strain from Shandong Province and Analysis on Its Whole Genome Sequence and Pathogenicity

Reticuloendotheliosis virus(REV),a common avian neoplastic virus,could induce immunosuppression in infected chickens and bring huge economic losses to poultry industry in China. In this study,a REV strain was isolated from chicken flocks in a parental farm in Shandong Province through inoculating DF-1 cells and named as SD2101. In order to investigate its genetic evolution characteristics,six pairs of primers were designed and synthesized to obtain the whole genome sequence of its provirus by using PCR amplification,followed by sequence alignment and analysis on genetic evolution with the reference strains downloaded from GenBank. The results showed that the provirus was with a typical genome structure of replication-competent retrovirus,with the highest homology with HA1101 which was isolated from chickens in Jiangsu Province in 2011. It was found that,by analysis on genetic evolution,SD2101 strain was on the same evolutionary clade as most domestic isolates. In order to identify the pathogenicity of SD2101 strain,the isolate was inoculated into one-day-old specific pathogen free(SPF)chickens,which was then evaluated by body weight,indexes of immune organs and immune response of inactivated vaccine. In conclusion,the growth and immune functions of one-day-old SPF chickens were significantly inhibited by SD2101 strain. Compared with the reference strain,a small degree of genomic sequence variation was observed in SD2101 strain,with certain pathogenicity. Scientific data was thus provided for further epidemiological research on REV,as it was suggested to focus on and monitor the virus in practice. 


National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance

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