National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance
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时间:2019-05-10   访问量:1040

为了解云南边境地区近年来阿卡斑病毒(Akabanne disease virusAKAV)流行情况,2017—2018年连续2年在云南省与缅甸、老挝、越南接壤的12个边境县采集牛血清,应用cELISA方法进行AKAV抗体检测。结果显示:2017—2018年共检测牛血清样品1860份,检出阳性样品108份,阳性率为5.8%,显示这些地区存在一定的AKAV感染;各县AKAV抗体阳性率在0~24.4%之间,差异较大,其中抗体阳性率最高的为富宁县,2017年和2018年的阳性率分别为24.4%20.0%,而瑞丽连续2年未检出抗体阳性;黄牛AKAV抗体阳性率(6.6%)高于水牛(4.7%),差异显著(P<0.05);入境牛抗体阳性率(6.5%)高于境内牛(3.0%),差异显著(P<0.05);养殖场(9.0%)、交易市场(8.4%)、屠宰场(7.6%)的牛AKAV抗体阳性率高于村寨散养户(2.5%),差异极显著(P<0.01)。结果表明,AKAV在云南边境地区存在一定的流行,其流行趋势受入境动物影响。结果提示,应继续加强云南省边境地区AKAV等虫媒病毒病的监控,及早发现和控制该病流行。

AntibodyDetection of Akabane Disease Virus in Border Areas

ofYunnan Province from 2017 to 2018

Inorder to investigate the prevalence of Akabanne disease virusAKAVin Yunnan border areasin recent yearsbovineserum samples were continuously collected in 12 counties bordering on MyanmarLaos and Vietnam duringthe period from 2017 to 2018and the specific antibodies were tested by cELISA.Results showed that 1 860 serum samples were testedinvolving 108 positivesamples with the positive rate of 5.8%indicating that there was certain AKAV infectionin these areasthepositive rate of AKAV antibodies in each county ranged from 0 to 24.4%and the rate in FuningCounty was the highestwhich was 24.4% in 2017 and 20.0% in 2018. No anypositive antibodies were detected in Ruili City for two consecutive yearsthe positive rate ofAKAV antibody in yellow cattle was 6.6%which was higher than that in buffalo4.7%with significantdifferenceP<0.05);thepositive rate in imported cattle6.5%was significantly higher than that in domesticcattle3.0%with significantdifferenceP<0.05);andthe rate in cattle in farms9.0%),trading markets8.4% and slaughterhouses7.6%was higher than that in free-range households invillages2.5% with significantdifferenceP<0.01. The results showedthat AKAV was prevalent to some extent in Yunnan border areaswhich was influenced bythe imported animals. Thereforeit was suggested to strengthen the surveillancefor AKAV and other arbovirus diseases in Yunnan border areasso as to detect andcontrol such diseases at the early stage.




National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance

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