为评估重组禽流感病毒二价灭活疫苗(H5N1 Re-8株和H7N9 H7-Re1株)对雉的免疫保护效果,选取30日龄的雉,按照免疫程序首免后21 d,加强免疫1次,分别于接种前和接种后定期采血,分离血清,检测H5、H7亚型HI抗体滴度。结果显示,免疫前,雉血清中H5、H7亚型HI抗体滴度均为0;免疫后 14 d,H5和H7亚型抗体平均滴度分别达到7.0log2和7.07log2,49 d后平均滴度达到峰值,分别为8.04log2和9.20log2;H5亚型免疫有效期可达105 d以上,H7亚型可达189 d以上。结果表明,重组禽流感病毒二价灭活疫苗(H5N1 Re-8株+H7N9 H7-Re1株)对雉具有良好的免疫保护效果且安全性良好,但疫苗免疫49 d后,H5、H7抗体效价逐渐下降,133 d后明显下降,群体免疫合格率低于70%,因此生产中推荐,30日龄首免后,51日龄和5月龄各加强免疫1次。本研究为珍稀禽的禽流感免疫疫苗选择和程序制定提供了参考。
Study on the Immune Effects of Recombinant Avian Influenza VirusBivalent Inactivated Vaccines(H5N1 Re-8+H7N9 H7-Re1 Strain)in Pheasants
In order to evaluate theimmune effects of recombinant avian influenza virus(A/V) bivalentinactivated vaccines(H5N1 Re-8+H7N9 H7-Re1 strain)in pheasants,30-day-old pheasants wereselected for first vaccination,followed by boostervaccination after 21 days according to immune procedures,and their blood samples were collected regularly before and aftervaccination respectively to test the titers of HI antibodies against H5 and H7subtype AIV. The results showed that,before vaccination,the titers of HI antibodies against H5 and H7 subtypes in the serumof pheasants were 0;and the average titers of H5 and H7subtypes could reach to 7.0log2 and 7.07log2 respectively after 14 days,then increased to the peak after 49 days,whichwere 8.04log2 and 9.20log2 respectively;the immunevalidity for H5 subtype AIV could remain for 105 days or above,and that for H7 subtype could be up to 189 days,which indicated the immune effects and security of bivalentinactivated vaccines were good. However,the titers ofH5 and H7 antibodies decreased gradually after 49 days of vaccination,then decreased significantly after 133 days,andthe qualified rates at herd level was less than 70%. Therefore,it was suggested that,after the firstimmunization at the age of 30 days,the reinforcedvaccination should be carried out at the ages of 51 days and 5 monthsrespectively. In conclusion,the research would providesome references for selecting vaccines(for rare andprecious birds)and developing relevant procedures.
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