National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance
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时间:2021-01-14   访问量:1068

为了解安徽省规模鸡场新城疫病毒感染情况及其引发该病的风险因素,结合2019年秋季集中监测采样工作,对6个地市存栏3 000~10 000只的规模鸡场开展横断面研究。采用两阶段随机抽样,在6个地市范围内,随机抽取153个规模鸡场,采集5 369份咽喉/泄殖腔拭子采用荧光PCR进行病原学检测,同时进行问卷调查,分析相关风险因素。结果显示,6个地市153个规模鸡场的场表观流行率和场真实流行率分别为11.1%和11.7%。单因素分析显示:“1个月只清理1次粪便”和“场内共用器具、车辆”是潜在风险因素,有统计学意义(P<0.05);车辆和人员进出场消毒、净道和污道分开、空舍消毒以及消毒前清洗场内可以降低感染风险。Logistic回归分析显示,“净道、污道不分开”和“车辆、人员进出不消毒”是风险因素。结果表明,安徽省部分鸡场仍存在新城疫病毒感染,应加强鸡场生物安全管理,合理规划养殖场布局,场区入口要建造消毒池,场内净道和污道要分开,车辆和人员进出场时要严格消毒,场内要制定详细的消毒计划,切实改善养殖场环境。

Estimation of Newcastle Disease Prevalence in Scale Farms in 6 Cities of Anhui Province and Analysis on Relevant Risk Factors

In order to identify the infection status of Newcastle disease virus(NDV)and risk factors leading to the disease in Anhui Province,an cross-sectional study was carried out in the scale farms with an inventory of 3 000 to 10 000 chickens in six cities in combination with centralized surveillance and sampling in the fall of 2019. A total of 5 369 throat/cloacal swabs were randomly collected from 153 farms by two-stage sampling method. Meanwhile,a questionnaire investigation was conducted to analyze relevant risk factors. The results showed that the apparent prevalence and true prevalence were 11.1% and 11.7% respectively at the farm level. It was shown that,by monofactor analysis,the potential risk factors included“only cleaning feces once a month,sharing equipment and vehicles within the farms”,which was of statistical significance(P<0.05);and the risk of infection could be reduced by disinfecting vehicles and personnel when they were entering or leaving farms,separating clean channels from the dirty ones,disinfecting empty pens and cleaning the premises prior to disinfecting. It was shown by Logistic regression analysis that,the risk factors included“failure to separate clean and dirty channels and to disinfect vehicles and personnel in or out of farms”. As a conclusion,NDV was still prevalent in some farms in Anhui Province,and some suggestions were put forward,such as strengthening bio-security management in the farms,reasonably designing their layout,building a disinfection pool at the entrance,separating clean channels from the dirty ones,strictly disinfecting vehicles and personnel when they were entering or leaving farms,and developing detailed disinfection plan to practically improve the environment of the farms.


National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance

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