National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance
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时间:2021-03-16   访问量:1067

自2018年非洲猪瘟(African swine fever,ASF)传入中国以来疫情得到了有效控制。但2021年以后,我国的ASF流行情况出现了新的变化,临床中出现了“自然变异株”。这些毒株可能导致感染后临床症状不典型,容易与其他疫病混淆等问题。这与国外的流行演变规律一致,即当ASF在一个国家或地区流行较长时间后,其临床表现将由急性发病转变为缓慢发病或出现新的临床表现。经过多年的观察积累,国外已经对该病毒的流行规律特别是自然弱毒株的演变进程有了大量记载,但国内目前尚无这方面的描述。为此,就ASF自然弱毒株的演变进程进行综述,从而提出加强血清学诊断产品研发、加快产业化报批进程、适时开展血清学监测追溯等建议,以期为我国ASF科学防控提供参考。

An Overview of Evolution Concerning Natural Attenuated Strains of ASFV

The outbreak of African swine fever(ASF)has been effectively controlled since African swine fever virus(ASFV)was introduced into China in 2018. But its prevalence has changed since 2021,that is,“natural variants”are clinically emerging. The strains may cause atypical clinical symptoms,and could be confused with other animal diseases. All of which is consistent with the evolution rule in other countries,that is,when ASF is prevalent in a country or region for a long time,its clinical symptoms will transfer from acute morbidity to slow occurrence or new symptoms are emerging. The prevalence rule of the virus,especially the natural attenuated strains,has been largely documented in other countries,except China. Therefore,the evolution process of the natural attenuated strains was summarized in the paper,and some suggestions were hereby put forward,such as further developing serological diagnosis products,speeding up the approval process for industrialization as well as carrying out serological surveillance and tracing as appropriate,with a view to providing some references for scientific prevention and control of ASF in China.


National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance

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