National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance
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时间:2021-05-17   访问量:1062

近几年,在鸡群中出现一种以肝破裂血水为主要特征的疾病,简称为肝破裂血水综合征,给养殖单位造成较大经济损失。为探究鸡肝破裂血水综合征发生原因,采集11省区市9种品系鸡的458份临床肝破裂血水样本,开展病原分离以及分子生物学检测、病理学诊断、内毒素检测和动物试验,并结合流行病学调查进行病因探讨。病原分离结果显示:检测到大肠杆菌14份,占比2.8%;沙门氏菌7份,占比1.5%;未检测到弯曲杆菌以及未分离到相关病毒。PCR、RT-PCR结果显示:检测到禽腺病毒(FAdV)3份,占比0.66%;禽戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)1份,占比0.22%;未检测到鸡传染性贫血病毒(CIAV)、马立克病毒(MDV)、禽白血病病毒(ALV)。Random PCR检测未发现RNA和DNA病毒;内毒素检测发现15份样本超标,占比3.3%。动物试验结果显示,腹腔攻毒不能复制出临床肝破裂血水表征。选取11省区市99份有代表性的肝脏样本,固定后病理学诊断发现:无疑似髓样白血病/白血病病理变化;疑似细菌造成的坏死性肝炎4份,占比4.04%;疑似禽网状内皮细胞增生病并发血管瘤病理变化1份,占比2.02%;淀粉样变94份,占比93.94%。流行病学调查发现:该病在全国各地均有发病,发病鸡品种和日龄广泛,无明显季节性;同一鸡场不同品种,在饲料、免疫和管理都一致的情况下,有的品种肝破裂血水,有的品种正常。以上研究表明,近几年鸡群中出现的肝破裂血水综合征病例与常见的可引起鸡肝破裂出血的因素无明显相关性,初步分析与鸡体本身存在遗传自身免疫性缺陷因素有关,机体反应过度,出现细胞因子风暴综合征导致鸡肝脏淀粉样变出血,从而出现肝脏破裂血水的临床症状。

Exploration on the Causes of Chicken Liver Hemorrhagic Syndrome

In recent years,an animal disease mainly characterized by liver hemorrhage(liver hemorrhagic syndrome)appeared in chicken,resulting in huge economic loss to poultry industry. In order to identify relevant causes,458 clinical lesion samples were collected from 9 chicken lines in 11 provinces/districts/cities for pathogen isolation,molecular biological detection,pathological diagnosis,endotoxin test and experiment on animals,the causes for the disease were discussed based on epidemiological investigation results. It was shown that,by pathogen isolation,14 samples of Escherichia coli and 7 samples of Salmonella were detected out,accounting for 2.8% and 1.5%,respectively,no Campylobacter or other virus was detected or isolated. It was concluded that,by PCR and RT-PCR,3 samples of fowl adenovirus(fadv)and one sample of avian hepatitis E virus(HEV)were detected out,accounting for 0.66% and 0.22%,respectively,no chicken infectious anemia virus(CIAV),Marek's disease virus(MDV)and avian leukosis virus(ALV)were detected. No RNA or DNA virus was found by Random PCR. 15 samples exceeded the standard for endotoxin,accounting for 3.3%. It was found that,by experiment on animals,the symptoms of clinical liver hemorrhage could not be reproduced by intraperitoneal challenge. 99 representative liver samples were selected from 11 provinces/districts/cities,followed by being fixed for pathological diagnosis,no suspected myeloid leukemia/leukemia pathological changes were found,4 cases of necrotic hepatitis caused by suspected bacteria,one suspected avian reticuloendotheliosis complicated with hemangioma and 94 cases of amyloidosis were observed,accounting for 4.04%,2.02% and 93.94%,respectively. By epidemiological investigation,it was found that the disease occurred all over the country,covering a wide range of varieties and age,without obvious seasonality;for different varieties in the same farm,some were with liver hemorrhage but others were normal under consistent conditions of feed,vaccination and management. In short,the cases of liver hemorrhagic syndrome found in recent years were not related to the common factors leading to liver hemorrhagic,which was connected with the genetic autoimmune defects in chicken as preliminarily analyzed,specifically,the organism reacted overly,followed by cytokine storm,resulting in amyloidosis bleeding in chicken liver,and thereby clinical symptoms of liver hemorrhage.


National veterinary drug industry technology innovation alliance

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